Saturday, June 2, 2012

Keepin it Lite

My quest continues to beautify my shed... and this time what I needed was a windowbox for some flowers.  My dilemma was... to keep it light enough to hang from the scrap window frame that when I had dirt and flowers in it, the weight of it all wouldn't damage or destroy the frame itself.....
I made the window box out of  a scrap of old picket fence -  - using a piece of trellis along the bottom so that drainage was not an issue.  I had to add the border along the front of the box to hide the edges of the trellis - but it turned out ok....


For the plant holders - I saved up some lite and fit yogurt containers... drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage (and that's important... don't try to hammer the holes with a nail... the whole bottom will crack... ask me how I know this.....)   and then - to cover up the obvious commercialism of it all.... hot glued some nature to the
outside of them...

I covered the first one with sticks  (again.. from branches that fell in our back yard)  filled in the cracks with moss and tied the whole thing
up with hemp string. 

That took FOREVER... so I looked for something easier..... The next one I covered with bark strips.... that went a whole lot faster.... didn't take much moss at all to fill in the gaps and again - I tied it with hemp to make it consistent.

 Lastly - for variety - I covered the last one with Magnolia leaves.... that one was the fastest one ever - although it is the most fragile - and probably won't last a month.

Here's the finished product -

 you'll have to let me know what you think....
and yes - it's very light - even with dirt and flowers.....  I think the end result turned out fun - if not interesting. 

 We'll see how everything weathers over time and then I'll have some opinions as to how practical these finishes are.  (although - since I have no money in them at all - I have no risk...)  : )

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